On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 06:11:45PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 05:34, csj wrote:
> > On Mon, 6 May 2002 12:08:06 -0500
> > Michael Kahle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > I am agreeing that I could scale it all back, but why?  The ton of RAM
> > > and dual procs is also because for the Windoz apps I still need, I am
> > > going to be running VMWare, if you've every ran it, it is a HOG!  But
> > > like I said, I am well aware how much overkill this is, but I have the
> > > money and never had a computer that would be my dream machine this is
> > > kind of like the geeks midlife crisis, only I'm 27.  :) 
> > 
> > If I had your money, and no hungry mouths to feed, I would build three
> > machines. Why splurge all your money on a single high-powered machine?
> > Suppose it got hit by lightning? I noticed you didn't put a UPS / surge
> > protector in your list! If you insist on your dream machine, better buy
> > a UPS that comes with a property-damage guarantee.
> With all those _noisy_ 10K disks, and the fans needed to cool 
> them, plus the fans to cool the 2 Athlons, I think I'd make 
> 2 machines:
> Box 1 has the SCSI disks, and, oh, say, 512MB RAM.  All it needs
>    is a cheap, _old_ video card.  Put it on the other side of the
>    house.
> Box 2 has the 2.5GB RAM, big screen, etc.
> You'd only get Fast Ethernet speeds, but your executables will
> be on Box 2, and with 2.5GB RAM, you'll have a huge cache to
> work with...

Yes, that's what I would do too: a workstation and a
compile/testing/development machine. Plus allows you to have a good
backup situation: box to box backups.



Matthew Sackman

BOFH Excuse Board:
Operators killed when huge stack of backup tapes fell over.

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