"Mario Vukelic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 19:56, dman wrote:
> > What if you use "testing" and "unstable" instead of "woody" and "sid"
> > in your preferences file?  There was some discussion on that recently,
> > and some people said using names doesn't work.  I've only tried with
> > the description and haven't had problems.
> Works with "testing" and "unstable" (both in sources.list and
> preferences). Thanks. Any idea why this is?

Are you using apt's release capability to determine which version to
use?  In my sources.list I use woody and sid, but I had to use

        APT::Default-Release "testing";

in my apt.conf file, otherwise I saw the same behavior as you, apt
trying to pull in a bunch of sid stuff.


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