Newsgroups: muc.lists.debian.user
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: Mailing List and Newsgruops
User-Agent: slrn/ (Linux)
Lines: 57
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 16:02:58 GMT
X-Complaints-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Trace: 1020700978 (Mon, 06 May 2002 11:02:58 CDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 11:02:58 CDT
Xref: muc.lists.debian.user:146956

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, dman wrote:

>| Why not just mail the article to the mailing list?
> Here's the scenario :=20
>     1   you make a new message and post it to the newsgroup

That's not what I was proposing.  

I was proposing that all articles would be mailed to the
mailing list.  That's why I chose the wording "mail the article
to the mailing list". Exactly as they are now.

>     2   the news->mail gateway sees a new posting and mails it to the list

I wasn't proposing a news->mail gateway.

>     3   the list gets a new message, delivers it to all subscribers,
>         one of the subscribers is the mail->news gateway, which posts
>             the "new" message on the newsgroup
>     4   your news->mail bot sees a new message and sends it to the list

What news->mail bot?  I wasn't proposing a new->mail bot.

>     5   repeat steps 2-4 ad inifitum until the servers crash with the load
> If the handling is done just right then each side of the gateway can
> determine when a loops begins and stop it right away.  If it isn't
> just right then the bots see lots of "new" messages, which are really
> just copies of an already posted message, and a loop exists.

Right.  But I was proposing that the muc.* list be moderated.
When somebody "posts" to a moderated group, the articled
doesn't get posted directly to the newsgroup.  The article is
e-mailed to a "moderator".

My proposal was that the "moderator" be the mailing list.

Thus, the new article is e-mailed to the mailing list (exactly
as articles are now), which then mirrors it onto the newsgroup
(exactly as it does now).  There would be no news->mail gateway
(exactly as there is none now).  There is only a mail->news
gateway (exactly as there is now).

I don't see how there is a possibility of a loop. If there _is_
danger of a loop, it must already be there, since I'm not
proposing that the gateway functionaly be changed in any way.

When I suggested making the group moderated and mailing
"posted" articles to the list, I was told that was a bad idea
because of the danger of loops.  However, I'm still waiting for
somebody to explain how such a loop could happen.

Perhaps my idea wouldn't work.  I'd be happy to listen to an
reasons why it wouldn't, but so far all people seem to do be
doing is knocking down sraw men.

Grant Edwards

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