On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 02:11:31PM -0800, Craig Dickson wrote:
> I must be failing to understand something here. Knoppix will certainly
> autoconfigure itself when it boots off the CD, but I don't see anything
> that causes that configuration to be remembered for later when you boot
> your new Debian installation directly from the hard disk. Nor do I see

well again, this was a "I know what the hell i'm doing" approach,
meaning i already knew what i needed to do to get the system up
and running.  it doesn't bring over the autoconfiguration stuff, and
yes, i'm sure i glossed over a few details (like compiling my own
kernel package + nvidia, both of which i did in the chroot while still
on the boot cd).

the autoconfiguration i was talking about had more to do with the
boot-off-of-cd process, such that it could boot me into a fully
functional X-windows KDE system with sound and games and internet etc,
to keep myself occupied whilst the system debootstrapped.


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