On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:21:06 -0500
Lance Hoffmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to compile NVrec and during the config stage
> I am being told that I don't have all of the requirements.
> I installed these from deb's so I know they are present.
> What can I do so that these are recognized by the NVrec
> script?

Are you sure you have the right versions installed? NVrec's config is
pretty intelligent. It actually prevents you from building against
incompatible versions of a library.

> configure: warning: *******************************************************
> configure: warning: libquicktime is not installed... If you want to record
> configure: warning: quicktime movies you need to install this package.  It
> configure: warning: is available at:
> configure: warning: http://heroinewarrior.com/quicktime.php3/
> configure: warning: Be sure to read README for details on installing the
> configure: warning: development environment.
> configure: warning: *******************************************************
> configure: warning: divx4linux is not installed... You can get it from
> configure: warning: http://www.divx.com

Now whose deb of this non-free codec did you use? As a test, run:

$ dpkg -S libdivxencore.so

> configure: warning: *******************************************************
> configure: warning: ffmpeg not installed.  Download it from:
> configure: warning: http://ffmpeg.sf.net/
> configure: warning: Build it
> configure: warning: NVrec root directory

This clearly can't be installed from a .deb. You have to follow the
instruction to build ffmpeg within the NVrec root directory.

> configure: warning: *******************************************************
> configure: warning: SDL 1.2+ not installed.  Download it from:
> configure: warning: http://www.libsdl.org/
> configure: warning: Streaming tools will not be built
> configure: warning: *******************************************************

What deb do you have installed? Do you have libsdl1.2-dev?

> configure: warning: mad not installed.  Download it from:
> configure: warning: http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/mpeg/
> configure: warning: Streaming tools will not be built


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