On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 01:53:10PM -0500, stan wrote:
> I give up. Our nw=ew "merged" Is group is unable to run a mail server in a
> aceptable manner.
> I;m going to set up a machien to recive mail from various control systems
> throught our site. I then want my users to be able to POP this mail to
> there desktops. It would be perhaps nice to offer webmal to them as well.
> We rae talking failry ligh usage here. 
> I;ve never set up a POP server before. What packages should I look at?
Take a look at the courier packages for pop and imap servers. They use
maildir style mailboxes so maybe you've to convert existing mbox files.

Webfrontend could be Squirrelmail or Imp.


It really sucks to give your heart to a girl
You want to know her like she knows the whole world
But 10 seconds in, it's obvious, your going nowhere...
[Bowling for Soup - Drunk Enough To Dance - I Don't Wanna Rock]

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