On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 10:23:18AM -0800, Paul E Condon wrote:
> On the other hand, a person who is having
> difficulty unsubscribing even after receiving the verbose instruction
> letter should be able to ask for help on the list.

That's easily dealt with.  Have the auto-reply trigger only on messages
whose subject consists of *only* the word "unsubscribe".
That way a subject like "Tried instructions, still can't unsubscribe"
or even "Re: unsubscribe" (if they reply to the auto-response)
would go through to the list -- business as usual.
Even this strict rule would make a real difference to the
background-noise level, I think.

> Don't respond to this comment with an assertion that people should
> just learn to read. Yes, they should.  But they don't all read
> proficiently.

It's so true...  Preaching to the choir...

>         -ScruLoose-         |       Never eat more than you can lift.       <
>        Please do not        |                  -Miss Piggy                  <
>       reply off-list.       |                                               <

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