on Sat, Apr 27, 2002, Karsten Heymann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> * Vineet Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020427 09:18]:
> > * Karsten Heymann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020426 04:56]:

> > Are you using spamc/spamd or calling spamassassin directly? I don't
> > have any hard evidence, but the word on the street is that using
> > spamd is much, much faster for the scanning portion. As this is
> > probably your bottleneck, try that. If you're already using
> > spamc/spamd, then I'm not sure where to go. Some more detail about
> > your delivery process would help. Does getmail hand off to
> > procmail/maildrop/etc? What is your mailbox format (mbox vs.
> > maildir?) I'd say that maildir would be faster in this case: no
> > seeking; no locking.
> Yes, I'm using spamd, procmail, no local mta, maildir, sanitizer, lbdb
> and the duplicate mail recipe from procmail-lib. When running getmail
> in verbose mode I see clearly that delivering to my mailbox takes much
> longer than fetching from or deleting on the server.

My experience is that ~1 second/message is about right with spamd.
Invoking spamassassin directly raises this to 4-5 seconds/message.  Perl
ain't light.

I'm not sure that this really imposes a significant lag -- my dialup
connection's already pretty slow.  At work (T-1), I run a daemonized
fetchmail every couple of minutes (unless it's died, in which case I
don't ;-), which means the backlog's usually just a score or so


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
   KQED FM:  The bright spot on the dial:  http://www.kqed.org/fm/

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