As recently as 4.0.3-11, qpopper creates /var/spool/pop with ownership root/mail, mode 2755.

In that configuration, it generates a dialog such as:

+OK Qpopper (version 4.0.3) at starting. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
user dballing
+OK Password required for dballing.
-ERR [SYS/TEMP] Failed to create /var/spool/pop//.dballing.pop with uid 228, gid 0. Change permissions.

my xinetd.conf config (via from what is installed by the package in inetd.conf) is:

service pop-3
        flags       = NAMEINARGS
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        server      = /usr/sbin/tcpd
        server_args = /usr/sbin/in.qpopper -f /etc/qpopper.conf

So... what am I doing wrong? It seems silly that I have to go back and rebuild the directory permissions after every install/upgrade to make it so that the temp-files can be created. Is this a bug in the package? In my configuration?

Help. :-)


| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | "Thou art the ruins of the noblest man  |
|  Derek J. Balling   |  That ever lived in the tide of times.  |
|                     |  Woe to the hand that shed this costly  |
|                     |  blood" - Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 1  |

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