On Wed, 26 Mar 2003 05:16:51 +0800

> At Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:54:52 +0000,
> Klaus Imgrund wrote:
> > 
> > > re-encoding may not work for the same reasons "copying" with
> > > mencoder didnt.  Plus the reason I want to do it is to
> > > prevent reencoding, I mean I could reencode with mencode as
> > > well to a smaller screen or lower resolution and get a
> > > smaller file.  Any other ideas?
> Did you try copying the copy?
> mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -forceidx result_of_first_copy

This is working and I will use it.  There seems to be a significant loss
of "smoothness" when seeking after forcing idx though... this is doing
it with mencoder... do you think avidemux would be better?

> > That's the reason I use mencoder and avidemux. Sometimes one
> > does what the other wouldn't do.  If you just want to split it
> > and be able to put it back together on different platforms
> > lxsplit is your friend. Only the first part is playable without
> > putting it back together though.
> If that's the problem you probably don't need to look further
> than GNU. For splitting, the following tools come to mind: split,
> head, tail and dd. 
don't forget du as i use it to get accurate byte counts, is this right?

Shawn Lamson
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

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