On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 08:04:58PM -0500, eauclair wrote:

> help me i have over 6000 emails so far
> the administrator will not help me

If you don't read the replies to your questions, you will never get
help.  This is obvious.
Those who ask questions and then just keep whinging and moaning so they
don't hear the answer...  don't ever know what the answer was, do they?

You have initiated what? three separate threads?  four? over the last
day or two about how you can't unsubscribe.  You've been answered.  More
than once.  With valid suggestions.  Yet you continue posting the same
petulant complaint, without showing any indication that you even *read*
the replies, let alone tried their suggestions.  Of *course* no-one
seems to care.  You're just gratuitously whining at us at this point,
and I doubt there's anybody who wants to hear it.

If you were to shut the #$%^ up for a minute and *read* the *answers*
that have *already* been posted in reply to your unsubscribe woes, you
might have discovered that there are actually at least three things you
can do that are smarter and more productive than kicking your heels and
screaming "I want somebody else to make the problem go away... right
now... WAAAHHH!".

Option 1:
Go to http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/unsubscribe and use the web
interface to unsubscribe your old address.

Option 2:
Sit down, shut up, and wait.  The list administrator is probably (Like
everyone else who contributes to Debian) a volunteer.  Who has a life.
Who (if I know anything about end-users) gets thousands of messages from
people who are too stupid or lazy to try the instructions before they
pester the administrator.

Option 3:
Go to http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#subunsub for detailed
instructions on how to unsubsctibe via e-mail *even if* it's not
possible to send the e-mail from the address you want unsubscribed.

In the improbable event that you actually try these solutions and still
don't meet with any success, you might try replying within this thread
to let us know *exactly* what happened when you tried.  That way we
might be able to offer further help (if there's anyone left on this list
who's isn't just blackholing your messages... after all your whining).

>       -ScruLoose-       |           If it doesn't work, force it.           <
>      Please do not      |     If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.     <
>     reply off-list.     |                                                   <

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