Shawn McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> begin  John S. J. Anderson quotation:
> > 
> > Well, before I answer that, define, if you would, the difference
> > between "programming" and "scripting". (Warning: I don't think there's
> > much of one, if any.) 

> The compliation step is seperate from the execution step, from the
> perspective of the user.

So, where do python and e-lisp fit in your little scheme? (No pun
intended.) You can compile-n-run, or compile to intermediate
byte-code, distribute, and run. Or how about BASIC? It comes in both
interpreted and compiled versions; does the "scripting"
vs. "programming" difference apply if you use exactly the same
language but execute the program differently? 

I've programmed a fair bit in C, some more in shell, a wee bit in
Elisp, and a lot in Perl. I use the same techniques (modulo language
differences), I break the problems down in the same way, my brain goes
through the same steps -- regardless of which language I've chosen as
appropriate for solving the problem at hand.

I call the process of choosing a language, writing some code, and
solving that problem "programming".

YMM( and apparently does )V. 

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