On Mon, 15 Apr 2002 13:37:40 -0500 (CDT)
Cheryl Homiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you; that makes sense.
> Of course, I knew i had to convert the file, and i kind of suspected the 
> headers
> issue, but wasn't sure. But once i've converted it, I should be able to split
> it. will liet you know how it comes out.
> I'm not one to give up quickly.

man vcut

According to the short man page, "vcut reads an Ogg Vorbis audio file and
splits it at the given cut­point, which is a sample number." It's part of
the "vorbis-tools" package.

I haven't tried this though. None of my .ogg files are large enough to
bother splitting. As for recombining, I don't see the point. Why
recombine what you just split?

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