On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 07:49:44PM -0400, stan wrote:
> I made teh stupid mistake of copying /etc/apt/sources from one machine
> to another.  Problem is, I did not copy the preferences file also, and
> the new sources had a line referencing unstable.
> I then used dselect, and it upgraded 200= packages!
> At the monent, my system's pretty hosed (gnome does not work at all
> for instance).
> I have pretty decent Amanda backups. Is there some way that I can
> restore the system to wgere it was before? Either by using tha Amanda
> backups (but won't that muck up the Debian packages databse?) Or
> somehow get dselect or apt-get to resoter it to where it was
> yesterday?

As long as you restore dpkg's database too, this should not be a

I *think* that dpkg's database is basically the contents of the
/var/lib/dpkg tree.

Karl E. Jørgensen
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