I have just installed xserver-s3 and used Debian conf to configure it.
When I try and run it I get the following: Is it possible for you to
send me your XF86Config file? so I can compare it to mine. How much
memory does your card have?

XFree86 Version 3.3.6a / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: xx November 2000
        If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
        than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
        problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.4.13 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  S3: accelerated server for S3 graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0)
      newmmio, mmio_928, s3_generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(--) no ModulePath specified using default: /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
pex5.so: Unknown error loading module
xie.so: Unknown error loading module
(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"
(**) XKB: model: "pc104"
(**) XKB: layout: "gb"
(**) Mouse: type: Auto, device: /dev/ttyS0, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 5, 3 button emulation (timeout: 50ms)
(**) Mouse: zaxismapping: (-)4 (+)5
(**) S3: Graphics device ID: "Generic Video Card"
(**) S3: Monitor ID: "Generic Monitor"
(--) S3: Mode "640x350" needs vert refresh rate of 85.08 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "640x400" needs vert refresh rate of 85.08 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "720x400" needs vert refresh rate of 85.04 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "640x480" needs vert refresh rate of 72.81 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "640x480" needs vert refresh rate of 75.00 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "640x480" needs hsync freq of 43.27 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 46.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 53.72 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1024x768" needs vert refresh rate of 86.96 Hz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 48.36 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 60.06 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 68.68 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1152x864" needs hsync freq of 67.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1280x960" needs hsync freq of 60.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1280x960" needs hsync freq of 85.94 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 63.98 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 79.98 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 81.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 93.75 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1600x1200" needs hsync freq of 106.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1792x1344" needs hsync freq of 83.66 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1792x1344" needs hsync freq of 106.27 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1856x1392" needs hsync freq of 86.35 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1856x1392" needs hsync freq of 112.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1920x1440" needs hsync freq of 90.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode "1920x1440" needs hsync freq of 112.50 kHz. Deleted.
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
          Entry deleted from font path.
          (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc").
Warning: The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
          Entry deleted from font path.
          (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/").
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
          Entry deleted from font path.
          (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/").
Warning: The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo" does not exist.
         Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
          Entry deleted from font path.
          (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi").
Warning: 'fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in
          Entry deleted from font path.
          (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi").
(**) FontPath set to "unix/:7100"
(--) S3: PCI: Trio32/64 rev 0, Linear FB @ 0xfe000000
(--) S3: chipset:   Trio64 rev. 20
(--) S3: chipset driver: mmio_928
(--) S3: card type: PCI
(--) S3: videoram:  1024k
(--) S3: Ramdac type: s3_trio64
(--) S3: Ramdac speed: 135 MHz
(--) S3: Using Trio32/64 programmable clock (MCLK 57.273 MHz)
(--) S3: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 50.000 MHz
(--) S3: There is no mode definition named "1152x864"
(--) S3: Removing mode "1152x864" from list of valid modes.
(--) S3: There is no mode definition named "1024x768"
(--) S3: Removing mode "1024x768" from list of valid modes.
(**) S3: Mode "800x600": mode clock =  40.000
(--) S3: Too little memory for mode "800x600"
(--) S3: NB. 1 scan line is required for the hardware cursor
(--) S3: Removing mode "800x600" from list of valid modes.
(**) S3: Mode "640x480": mode clock =  25.200
(--) S3: Too little memory for mode "640x480"
(--) S3: NB. 1 scan line is required for the hardware cursor

Fatal server error:
No valid modes found.

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send the full
server output, not just the last messages

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg C. Madden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 April 2002 00:20
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: S3 TRIO 32 and XFree86?

On Sat, 2002-04-13 at 12:29, Charlie Grosvenor wrote:
> Hi
>             I have a couple of machines with S3 Trio 32 graphics cards
> in. I am trying to get XFree86 version 4.1.0 work on these machines, I
> am using Debian woody. According to the HYPERLINK
> "http://www.xfree86.org/"http://www.xfree86.org this card is supported
> but I cannot get it to work. Does anybody have one of these cards
> working with XFree86 if so could they please send me a copy of their
> config.
> Thank you
> Charlie
 If this card is similar to the S3 Trio 64V card I finally installed
Xfree86 v 3.6, which comes ( thankfully) with Woody. If your video card
is older there may be better support in ver 3.6.

Greg C. Madden
Debian GNU/Linux 3.0

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