I have duel booted WinNt and Redhat before, then I started using a product called VMware that allows you to have almost any OS running on top of either linux or windows through a Virtual Machine, and it runs pretty well just have to have a decent machine to do it. But how I did the Winnt and Redhat was, I partioned the drive installed Winnt first then installed Redhat MAKE A BOOT DISK you will need it, install Lilo on /dev/hd? not on the MBR. Use the boot disk boot into Linux. Mount another floppy and type dd if=/dev/hd? (what ever your root device is) bs=512 count=1 >/mnt/floppy/linuxboot (our where ever your floppy is mounted). Then boot into your Windows and copy the linuxboot file from the floppy you made and but it in your C:/ then edit your boot.sys file and reboot. There are some nice howtos on Linuxdoc.com . This is how I did it hope it helps some.
Matthew Daubenspeck wrote:

Has anyone had any dual-boot experience with Windows 2000? I currently
have linux on one drive and 2K on another, and am looking for a viable
way of dual booting the two...


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