on Fri, Apr 12, 2002, Troy Telford ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I think the subject about covers it;  My /var/lib folder has been nuked 
> (or more appropriately, the partition it was on).
> Is there some way to recover the situation, or am I more likely to be 
> better off re-installing from scratch?!?

How did you nuke the partition?  Operator error or bad media?  Recovery
procedures differ markedly.  Don't trust bad media.


   1. Recover from backups.

   2. Archive off your package list (unfortunately, stored under /var),
      archive off user and local data, reinstall system, and apply your
      local changes.

Depending on what you had on your system, you could be in a middlin, or
a heap, of pain.  /var/lib is largely stateful data, which is to say,
it's particular to your system.  OTOH, there's a lot of stuff under it
(e.g.:  ./apt/) which is essentially regenerated as your system grows.
Losing /var/lib/postgress might hurt more.  It really depends on what
you had installed.

If you haven't been keeping backups, three days ago would have been an
excellent time to start.  Tomorrow would be a good way to get into the

Additional nagging and some recovery suggestions at:



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>           http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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