On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 09:38:44PM -0500, Dr. Louis A. Turk wrote:

> 1.  I also installed Window Maker, and it loads up upon startup.  I don't 
> like that; I want to load it from the command line only if and when I want 
> it.  How do I uninstall it?  I have tried and tried but to no avail.  If I 
> run dselect from a shell, it won't allow me to uninstall anything.

Apparently xdm or some other X session manager was installed for you.
Try this to see what package is installed:

# dpkg -l | grep dm

and look for xdm or gdm in the resultant output. Then (as root) remove
that package, eg:

# dpkg -r xdm

> 2.  Networking is not working so I can't log onto the internet (I have a 
> cable connection).  How do I figure out what is wrong.

For openers, is the NIC "up?" As root run:

# ifconfig

and look for an entry besides the one labelled "lo." If you only see
the latter, then one wonders if the kernel is seeing your NIC. Examine
the output of:

# dmesg | more

carefully for messages about your NIC. What kind of card is it?

And, btw, exactly what are the symptoms of your nonfunctional network?
Precisely what is not happening? For instance, can you at least ping a
remote host?:

$ ping debian.org

(If this succeeds, Ctrl-C to stop the pinging...)

Eric d'Alibut

    I am not a looney! Why should I be attired with the epithet looney
        merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Marcel
        Proust had an addock! So, if you're calling the author of 'A la
        recherche du temps perdu' a looney, I shall have to ask you to
        step outside!

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