On Wed, 10 Apr 2002 03:07:10 +0000, I myself <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> On Tue, 09 Apr 2002 09:54:45 -0700, "Steve Juranich"
> > First thing, please use word-wrap on your mail client (including replies is 
> > much easier this way).

[text of my prev reply re-wrapped by IMPROVED version of my "filter"]:
> [...] but let me try this and maybe you'll be so kind as to tell me
> if it works better for you (I ran my text through a filter I wrote*
> after composing it, and then re-pasted it into the interface field).
> [...] I've found it necessary to cope with badly wrapped text to be
> quoted often before, and so I'll post my filter at this msg bottom
> for anyone to use that finds it helpful.

SORRY, what I posted in the last msg wasn't very good. Hope that any-
one interested will use THIS version instead:

> --------  begin script inclusion, watch for miswrapping and low-flying owls 
> --------

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# "eml-quot" v 0.8.1
#  (c)2000, 2001, 2002 Soren Andersen, All Rights Reserved.
#  This program is available for use under the same terms as Perl.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
use Text::Autoformat;
use Getopt::Std;

use strict;
use vars qw! $opt_l $opt_r $opt_q $opt_p !;

my $leftmar = ($opt_l)? $opt_l : 1;
my $rightmr = ($opt_r)? $opt_r : 72;
my $evrypar = ($opt_p)? 0 : 1; # NEGATIVE flag: use '-p' for ONLY the first para

if ($opt_q)  {
        $rightmr -= length('> ') + 1;

my @txt = map{(/^\s*\>/)?
             do{my $qsert='>'  if $opt_q; $qsert.$_;}
             do{my $qsert='> ' if $opt_q; $qsert.$_;}
             }(split qq[\n],
print join qq[\n],q[],@txt,q[];

Sample usage:
bash$ eml-quot -q -r 70

 OR (for people working on 'doze especially):
bash$ [perl -S] eml-quot -q -r 70 |gclip
(`gclip' is a Free clipboard program available on the Net. Google it.)

> -------- end low-flying owl- and miswrapping- watch  -------------------------

  Regards All,
    Soren Andersen

The makefiles which eventually result from using 'automake' 1.5x are 
monstrosities. Sheer hellish madness. Several dozen targets, named obscene 
things like "am_remake_your_mother"; utterly counter-intuitive, buried in 4 or 
5 levels of indirection, swamped in a thousand lines of baffling, 
migraine-inducing auto-generated superfluity. [These] Makefiles  ought to be 
taken out and bled to death slowly, shot, burned, staked through the heart, 
generally Buffy-ated to the maximum possible extent.
    -- Soren Andersen (me) in

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