On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:36:39 -0700
Tim Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Apparently, on Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 03:01:56AM +0800, csj wrote:
> > I'm looking for a software mpeg encoder that can produce synced
> > audio/video from a bttv-compatible capture card. I'm presently using
> > NVrec <http://www.ee.up.ac.za/~justin/v4l2> to record DivX ;-) movies
> > from my VCR. But since DivX is largely a PC-based video format, I lose
> > the bragging rights to say, Made proudly by GNU/Linux.
> > 
> I use NVrec also (but with FFMPEG) with excellent results. Be sure to
> get the patch on the NVrec site to keep audio and video in sync.

NVrec with FFmpeg produces mpeg which only a hacker can love. IIRC when
I attempted to demultiplex an mpeg-encoded capture (necessary, so that I
can re-multiplex it to a VCD-compliant mpeg), the audio and video
differed in length by more than a few seconds. Needless to say, when I
multiplexed them back, the audio and video were terribly out of sync.
I like to think of FFmpeg more as a decoder, used by such popular video
players as xine and mplayer, than as a general-purpose encoder.
NVrec with the mp1e (another real-time encoder) module looks more
promising. Problem is, I couldn't get it to produce any output.

I settled on NVrec with DivX ;-) because it looks better at smaller
sizes. Simple editing (more like splitting and splicing) can be done
using avidemux <http://fixounet.free.fr/avidemux/>.

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