On  0, FFF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> My sytem is stucked it starts ok, mounts the drives and starts the
> processes in init2 but when it starts samba smb, it GET's DEAD the
> cursor stops blinking and I can do nothing, What can I do ??
> I restarted several times it does fsck on the drives, mounts them and
> then again when it gets to samba , DEAD !!!

I know you think it's desperate, but please think a bit about your
subject lines.  I nearly deleted it out of hand, and by the looks of
things everyone else has already.

You could try 'linux -single' at the lilo prompt and hope that it
doesn't start up samba in single user mode (it certainly shouldn't).
You can then remove the items in /etc/rc?.d that start samba.  This
should (hopefully) give you a system that boots, unless there is
some underlying thing that is wrong, in which case it may not.

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"That you're not paranoid does not mean they're not out to get you."
        - Robert Waldner

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