On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 07:27:56PM -0800, Alvin Oga wrote:

> an experienced unix/linux admin would be looking to buy the
> book(s) and aking for refunds if its work related..

Well, I wasn't planning on stealing them.  ;)

If somebody buys 20 servers that come with Debian
pre-installed, I don't think it would be unreasonable to ship a
book along with them.  Here's the scenario: I ship a bunch of
Debian boxes to somebody who's used Unix for 20 years and Linux
for 8 and has administerd RedHat, Mandrake, Slackware, SunOS,
Solaris and IRIX systems.  All he wants is documentation on
stuff that's unique to Debian.

> think you're looking for soemthing like
>       http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net

A few of those articles are the sorts of things I'm looking
for, but most of them seem to be aimed at somebody who doesn't
have much background in Unix or Linux.

> for debian (howto) install and get around some silly hw problems...
>       .. some url ..

I'm not really interested in install and hardware docs so much
as administration: how to change the IP address, how to
enable/disable services, that sort of thing.

> for debian security stuff
>       http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/

Some of the howtos are very good (the apt-howto, the
securing-debian-howto, etc.).  I suppose I could burn CDs with
howtos on them or have a set of them printed and bound.  I had
hoped to be able to just buy (or point to) a book.

> - tons of linux books... too many tree's been sacrificed... :-)

As Linux gets more popular, the books seem to get worse (and thicker).

Grant Edwards

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