On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 11:29:22PM -0500, Phil wrote:
> I have old x86 machines (I work at a public school) and managed to get 
> Debian 2.1 running but I'm having trouble getting software.  mozilla,and 
> staroffice are not installing because of glibc conflicts.  wher can I find 
> old packages that will install on 2.1

Official Debian 2.1 archive:

search through these unofficial archives for slink:
Several claim to have some woody & potato packages that run on slink.

I have old StarOffice 5.0 (based on glibc 2.0.7) on CD you are
welcome to try. It needs 120M to 170M of disk space + X. If you are
interested, send me your address off list, and I'll mail it to you.


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