On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 03:08:36PM -0300, Daniel Toffetti wrote:
> > Neither Kword or Abiword supports footnotes. For footnotes and
> > WYSIWYG, you can use Lyx or OpenOffice. While OpenOffice has a
> > somewhat strange UI (It was even worse in StarOffice 5.2, which tried
> > to take control over your desktop) it has all features you mention
> > and unlike Lyx, it *feels* like MS Word. Some features of MS Word is
> > missing of course, and it a resource hog. My experience is with
> > version 641C.
> I'm downloading build 641c right now. I would like to know if there is 
> any issue with installing such a big program which is not a Debian 
> package, regarding future maintenance, upgrade, uninstallation, etc.
> In the archives I've found some issues with the installation, but 
> already solved anyway.

There is not much to it, I think. The menu system will not know about
it, so you will have to manually configure the windowmanager.

And do *not* use it under twm! The menus in OpenOffice is unusable
with the mouse (you can use the arrow keys, but that is not fun).

I have tried Icewm and KDE, the menus in OpenOffice works under both.

Note that I use Debian version 3.0
Linux emac140 2.4.17 #1 sön feb 10 20:21:22 CET 2002 i686 unknown

Hans Ekbrand

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