On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:11:30 +0000
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Sackman) wrote:

>  > > So the thought occurred to me that I could get a PDA with a
>  > > stow-away keyoard and basically use that in laptop capacity, as a
>  > > few of my friends are doing.
>  > Aehm it's a big differents between 17Mhz and 700Mhz ... also 8MB
>  > Flash and a 20GB HD can't be compared.
>  I'm waiting for the Sharp Zaurus SL5500. Proper keyboad (well,
>  small), linux and Qtopia (QT embedded) plus a large range of
>  expansion slots: this thing should be big when it hits the shelves so
>  long as the software is polished enough.

The most "proper" keyboard I've seen built into a hand-held is the
Psion's (series 5, also the Revo). From the photos of the Zaurus it
looks like you have to be a great fan of SMS (cellphone "text"
messaging) to find the keyboard useful. The Palm clones' stow-away
solution is much better, unless you're hell-bent on getting carpal thumb
syndrome. Does the Zaurus's large range of expansion slots allow you
to connect an external keyboard?

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