On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:

> | 1: I have a 133MHz pentium, 1Gb disk and 32Mb ram. I want to use this
> |    as a firewall.
> |
> | 2: Also an 400MHz AMD K6-2, 6Gb disk and 80Mb ram. This is to be a
> |    name server and an email server
> |
> | Neither of them will have X on them, so what I need to know is;
> |         a: they are not up to the tasks
> |         b: they are just up to the tasks
> |         c: they are easily up to the tasks
> |
> | If the answer is a: or b:, what could be done to improve the
> | situation. Asking a lot in a single message, but I dont want to start
> | then find that they just won't do the job(s)
> I think that you will find that both of these machines have more than enough
> power for the stated uses; so my answer would be 'c'.
> Brooks


i am using a floppy-only firewall on an old pentium... called floppyfw.  
it that is all the machine is going to do, it is a great solution...
uses late model kernel and is actively maintained.

no disk and just two 3c905s


Dave Mallery, K5EN  (r/h 7.2 krud; debian woody+ximian)
PO Box 520
Ramah,  NM  87321

no gates                     .~.
  no windows...              /V\
                            /( )\
running GNU/Linux           ^^-^^  (Linux TM Linus Torvalds)
  free at last!

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