Alexey Vyskubov wrote:
> > > IMO, the correct decision would be for the Debian Jr. meta package to
> > > conflict with anything that may be offensive. We have things like the
> > > anarchy docs
> >
> > How are those offensive? I'm much, much more offended by bloated
> > software like gnome, but I can choose not to install it without
> > needing a metapackage.
> Yep. My religion doesn't allow me to have on my box anything
> emacs-related (= *emacs + packages with the sole purpose of supporting
> *emacs). Now gettext *depends* on gettext-el.
> I'm very offended by this.
> This was not a joke.
> P.S. It is the place where we have *true* racism. This dependence is a
> spit in the faces of non-emacs people. [This was a joke.]

Wow, OK, I'm confused.  Is this a Joke or not?

I have heard of the anti-emacsen religion before - where is it based?

Tom Cook
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

"That you're not paranoid does not mean they're not out to get you."
        - Robert Waldner

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