Can this thread please end? This is getting stupid now. Look, whoever started this damnt hread. (Not worth me lookin back to find out).
Regardless of what country you live in, or the laws in your country, Debian GNU/Linux revolves around free as in ideas, speech, software, and the very fabric of our individual societies. If you have a problem with a piece of software THEN DON'T USE IT. Simple end of story, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. YOU YOU YOU, are responsible for what YOUR YOUR YOUR daughter sees, hears and/or is subjected to, NOT DEBIAN. It is NOT NOT NOT (can I stress this enough?) Debian's place to police the content of a particular software's entries if it conforms to our policies (See the Debian GNU/Linux Social Contract and other such documents.) Show us in there where it says we are to do this act you would ahve us do and THEN we will gladly shut up, sit back, and police the contents of any and all packages that are members of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Your use of a distribution does NOT NOT NOT preclude YOU YOU YOU from being socially an parentially responsible for ensuring your daughter does not see, hear, or become exposed to any software or real world items you don't want her to see. YOU are the irresponsible party IF you di NOT first check the software that was installed BEFORE allowing her to viewor use it. I have two children of my own. I have some things I am dead set against them seeing or hearing. I'm a white southern boy, I grew up in a town almsot completely populated by rascists. The word "nigger" darky" "nig" "tarbaby"or other such derogatory remarks will NEVER be allowed in my house. My kids WILL recieve a bar of soap in the mouth and a belt across the ass I EVER hear something like that come from them! I had an incident where my son came home from kindegarten saying the word nigger. When asked where he heard that he said the teacher. I tore down to that school so fast it wasn't funny. I berated the school for allowing such comments to be said in front of my child and then promptly disenrolled him and placed him in a different school. THAT is MY reponsibility, if I do not like the way the school does something **I** have the responsibility to change it. NOw, yes, the school does as well since they are a school of public learning and subject to federal and state laws that require them to obliterate any and all rascism while recieving federal or state funds. My entire point in this is, IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF DEBIN GNU/LINUX TO POLICE OR MONITOR PACKAGE CONTENTS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH YOUR SOCIAL AND PERSONAL VALUE SYSTEMS. I hate Neo-Nazi skinheads. I hate the Nazi movement, and everything it stands for. I hate the Kul Klux Klan even though I have family members that belive in their train of thought. We have many members that belivee in those social and ethical value systems. Should we kick them out of the Debian GNU/Linux project simply because of THEIR value systems? No. Why? because THEY are socially responsible enough NOT to attempt to put THEIR value systems on the project. They contribute good solid software that provides meaningful use to that segment of society that chooses to use Debian GNU/Linux. Simple. End of story. If you want policing, can linux and reinstall windows. Use cybermonkey and set it on it's highest settings. Then sit with your child(ren) while they surf the net like any parent who truly cares what their children do and do not become exposed to do. Now, can we PLEASE, for the love of (your deity or lack thereof here), end this thread? David D. W. Downey ("pgpkeys") -----Original Message----- From: p [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 3:47 PM To: Petro Cc: p; John Griffiths; Lazarus Long; Adam Conrad; [EMAIL PROTECTED];;; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: inappropriate racist and other offensive material On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 04:45:33PM -0800, Petro wrote: > On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 11:25:48PM +0000, p wrote: > > On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 09:49:56AM +1100, John Griffiths wrote: > > > > > > >b.s.! making fun of someone else's skin color is patently wrong, and i > > > >don't care how you want to slice it or garnish it with "red herring": > > > No! bullshit to you > > > free speech is free. > > // > > please. in my country, yelling, "fire," in a crowded theater > > (that is not on fire) is _not_ protected by "free speech." > > slander. etc. > > // > > Then you don't have free speech in your country. > > (And yes, I realize you're probably talking about the US, and no, we > do not have freedom of speech in this country. Not any more.) > > -- > Share and Enjoy. // correct. // -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]