hello, everybody, after trying wvdial, which is nice :-) , and plog, and reading man pppd and checking its config files, the problem has now disappeared (although i didnt change any settings, only removed some .bak.bak.bak files..).
Output from netstat now lists a tcp process. It seems that tcpd is started by pppd, which i didnt know, thanks for pointing me in the right direction ! (i cant cc you, since i lost my old emails when migrating, sorry.) This is really great ! Reading the lists with simultaneous access to a shell and an editor ! And in high resolution, and i can shift top of netscape of my screen ! (but will have to read man netscape, as mail headers are giant sized) And managed to crash X by running netscape and xemacs and a couple of shells and top (with only 16 MB). But No more rebooting to mail or browse ! yoopie !! thanks and have fun ! Siward --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Automatic Overputting is not heavy. >