On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 09:09:45PM +0100, Robert van der Meulen wrote:
> Then don't install it on the box your daughter uses. Debian is about
> freedom, not censorship. Shielding from 'sensitive' material is a decision
> every parent can make by themselves, and it is _not_ the responsability of
> an organisation like Debian to make such a decision.

The issue isn't whether we should keep racist material out of debian. It's a 
matter of providing software without racist material when people don't want 
racist material, joke or otherwise. Right now, there is no way to install 
bitchx without getting these messages. Contrast with fortunes, where a seperate 
"offensive" fortunes package has to be installed if you want it.
Having racist jokes turned on "by default" reflects badly on debian, its 
developers, and its users.

Jeremy Nickurak -= [EMAIL PROTECTED] =-
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he 
 does not become a monster.  And when you look into an abyss, the
 abyss also looks into you." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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