On Wed, Mar 13, 2002 at 02:51:14PM +0000, Martin Edward John Waller wrote:
> I'd like to install freeswan on a woody machine,
> but a package search for it cam up with nothing.

It was recently removed from woody due to an outstanding release
critical bug.  The bug turned out to not be freeswan's fault at all, but
rather a user misinterpreting the kernel link trouble caused by recent
binutils packages.  Freeswan should make it back in to woody by the time
the release happens.  Until then, you can grab it from unstable.

> Do I need a 2.4 kernel? (if so, any issues
> upgrading from a 2.2 kernel to a 2.4  kernel on
> woody?)

Freeswan supports kernel 2.2 (even 2.0), though I'm not sure if the
kernel-patch-freeswan package supports it.  If not, you'll have to grab
the kernel patches from freeswan.org.  However, it's probably worth
upgrading to 2.4 so you can use the Debianized kernel patch.  It
includes a bit more than the stock freeswan code (for example, it
includes code that allows you to use X.509 certificates as a host
authentication mechanism (This is a good thing, and will eventually be
incorporated into the upstream freeswan code)).

> Is there a noddy guide to isntalling it on woody?

I am supposed to be writing it...  Hopefully I'll get to it soon, and it
will become part of the "Debian Security Manual" that you can find on
the Debian web site.


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