Yes, though it was a little bit of a pain. The
controller is supported in the ac series, but not yet
in the main kernel (though I think it is in the 2.4.19
pre series). What I had to do to get it to work is:

1. Attach drive to motherboard IDE controller.

2. Install system, get kernel source, apply ac patches
and compile and install new kernel using kpkg. Be sure
to add the relevant new ide stuff; I think the right
driver is the Promise 20269.

3. Add the "ide=reverse" flag to LILO if you plan to
boot from the disks that will be attached to the
controller. The kernel help says "ide-reverse", which
is wrong and took me a few minutes to figure out.

4. Attach the drive to the new controller and reboot.

Everything should then be fine, but you need to watch
which controller on the card you're attached to (ide1
or ide2), otherwise you'll go from /dev/hda to
/dev/hdc or vice-versa. If this happens, you can
either switch the drive cable from ide1/2 to the
other, or change your /etc/fstab. [Easiest is to make
sure you are on ide1 (or ide2) on both the mobo and
the card.]

On a side note, unless you need the extra ide
controllers for something like RAID, you might not
want to do this -- I saw an analysis somewhere on the
net that pointed out that the difference from ATA/100
to ATA/133 will be extremely small.


--- Matthew Daubenspeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am considering using a Promise ATA/133 drive
> controller and some ATA/133 
> drives. Is anyone currently using such a setup?
> -- 
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