First; I'm not on the list, please make a Cc to me, I also welcome
personal answer.

I'm setting up a network of 8 identical machines to be used by 40 persons.
I'm a bit presed by time, so I though I could cut some corners and get
them running with Debian within my time schedule.

I will set up one machine(server) the way I want them to be, and then
export the whole disk via NFS to the other 7 machines(clients). On the
clients I'll then fixt the /etc/hostname, /etc/network/interfaces, and
then I'll do chroot, lilo and add a line to /etc/fstab and import the
/home from the server, so that all machines appear to be the same to the
users. Does anyone have any comments regarding NFS exporting or automount
of /home?

I know about LDAP, NIS and the like, but I have no time at the
moment to get into this, that will have to wait until the summer. With the
whole disk exported , including the password files, will I then have a
functionally system with usernames & passwords? Of course I'll have to
export the relevant files everytime I make a change to the password-files.

I would like to know if anyone has some strong abjections to my scheme
when it comes to userfuntionality and also a bit on the security side.

I welcome all answers


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