On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:02:15AM +0000, Karl E. Jorgensen wrote:
   > On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 11:01:01AM +0100, Fran?ois Chenais wrote:
   > > 
   > >  What's the best way to install package which are not(yet) in debian
   > >  package format or in the current distribution ?
   > > 
   > >  For example, I need pilot-link > 0.10.0 to use with palm m125
   > >  but have no deb package.
   > > 
   > The debian package manage system will keep its hands off /usr/local, so
   > that is a good choice.
   > Have you checked whether your desired version of pilot-link is available
   > in sid? It's probably quicker to get it from there.

If you want install non-debian software, i.e., after compiling a
compressed tarball, I would suggest that you give checkinstall a try. It
creates a deb package, which installs the binaries in /usr/local.
Installation/Removal is thru dpkg -i/-r. Bonus is that you can install
the resulating deb on another machine with out going thru the hassle of
compiling gain.

Checkinstall debs are available at:



Sridhar M.A.                                mas at uomphysics dot net

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