on Fri, Mar 08, 2002, Anthony and Mary Ann Tantillo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > I have begun using spamassassin (2.01) with razor (1.19) as a mailfilter > in combination with fetchmail (5.9.8), procmail (3.2.2), and exim (3.3.4). > When I fetch a large number of messages (e.g. when I first startup the > computer), response slows to a crawl. If I monitor the processes using > top, spamassassin processes start to fill the screen.
> On a recent download of 119 messages, top indicated that linux began > to shutdown processes to accomodate the load (mysqld was one of the > first to go). What am I doing wrong? I copied the procmail formula > from the example at the top of the .procmailrc file and even shortened > my list of filters that I have been using. I thought that there might > be a procmail backup. See my own recent mail on this topic. I suspect you're running out of system resources, likely memory, process table entries, or file handles. There are hard limits to what's available to you, and you're best off configuring your system to keep yourself within these limits. I'd check the following: - How are you running spamassassin? I'd *very* strongly recommend daemon/client mode rather than standalone mode. This is about an order of magnitude faster to process, and should naturally serialize your spamassassin processing. - How are you running exim? I'd disable inetd/xinetd execution, and run the server in daemon mode instead. Set your queue run interval to something small -- I use 2-3 minutes. Set your messages to process in a single instance to a middlin' value -- I'm currently at about 50 messages at a shot. > My computer has a 800 MHz Duron with 128 MB of RAM and 512 MB of swap. Should be plenty of oomph. Peace. -- Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com> http://kmself.home.netcom.com/ What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org
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