Hi, I am running a low-spec machine comprising a Cyrix 120 processor, 120 Mb ram, ample hdd and swap space. It is running potatoe in console mode.
Having got the setup going with help from this group, i find that my hdd is being continually thrashed when in slrn. This us being used on a ppp dialup to my isp and so am set to retrieve headers only when i first dial in, and then a later dialup should retrieve bodies of selected messages for offline perusal. I am subscribed to a dozen non-heavy groups (comp.databases.paradox and uk.adverts.books are typical) In fact, the set up is nigh unuseable as the response time is so slow, it is a wait everytime that you want to read a new post or change to a new group. Every single action is accompanied by waits of many seconds and hdd activity. To select a group, to enter a group, to select a post, to open that post, is cumulatively time consuming. It takes over 30 seconds to close a post, move to the adjacent group, select and open another post. In answer to Glynn, I see only the groups selected when i open up slrn. I did not have a .slrnrc but have now copied over the one from /slrn/examples and there is no difference. The leafnode config is also bog-standard. I can forward these if no one has any bright idea. I have nothing else running to consume resources. my .jnewsrc is all but 1Mb in size, with my subscribed groups at the top followed by 40000 groups from zippo. to a.bsu. as downloaded from my local server. There are times when it seems to be ok, i can arrow down half a dozen posts but then it sticks and it is back to waiting 10 seconds to move down one group. Surely there must be something wrong? top shows slrn consuming 20% of CPU and 40% of memory just to change groups. -- Ian Balchin http://www.imaginet.co.za/fables This machine is running Debian GNU/Linux ... http://www.debian.org