I am running galeon from unstable and it has not crashed on me once. * timothy bauscher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > I downloaded Mozilla via apt-get. It crashes > often. I would like a stable open source > alternative to Mozilla. > > Any suggestions?
- the quest for a *stable* browser timothy bauscher
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser hanasaki
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Timothy R. Butler
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Ovidiu Damian
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Arthur H. Johnson II
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser stan
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Noah Meyerhans
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Carl Fink
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Noah Meyerhans
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Carl Fink
- Re: the quest for a *stable* br... Noah Meyerhans
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Ron Johnson
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Geoff D
- Re: the quest for a *stable* browser Karsten M. Self