[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Hi, > I using the latest version of woody and recent upgrade seems to have caused > the Flash player to stop working. I've done trouble shoting, including > installing the lastest verion of Netscape 6.2.1. > > bash-2.05a$ ls -al /usr/local/netscape/plugins/ > ... > -rw-r--r-- 1 jp staff 2363 Nov 26 18:28 ShockwaveFlash.class > -rw-r--r-- 1 jp staff 946044 Nov 26 18:30 libflashplayer.so > ...
Well, a better description of what your browser's doing and/or not doing might help here. Just saying "Flash doesn't work" makes it kind of hard for people on this list to figure out what's wrong, since it could be due to quite a few things. I assume that those two files aren't the only ones in the directory since, I believe, the libnullplugin.so is necessary for any other plugins to work on NS6. Also, I'd suggest trying mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org) since the latest NS 6.x is usually just mozilla but two or three versions ago. HTH