On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Alan James wrote:
> does it make any difference if you use an ip address instead of a hostname ?
> ie instead of http://www.google.com/
> If it was a transparent proxy problem I'd expect telnet to have trouble too.
> I'm having trouble with mine at the moment so I've put a manual proxy in.
> try adding inktomi1-bir.server.ntl.com port 8080 to your browsers proxy 
> settings just to make sure. That might only work for suffering NTL subscribers
> like myself though. I'd offer a link to other proxies but that wouldn't help
> much :)
> try dcpdumping the telnet session too, to see what that does differently.
> does wget work ? thats a bit more fancy than telnet but not as fancy as lynx.
> I cant imagine at what level this is going wrong.
> If you solve it, make sure you let us know how, I dont want this problem 
> keeping me up at night :)
> Alan.
TCPDump looks exactly the same for the telnet sessions, except that an
acknowledgement arrives from the server immediately after issuing the GET
command (unless there's some difference in all that stuff in brackets that
I don't understand).

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try them tonight when I get home (I too
am an NTL sufferer - I feel your pain).

Some further weirdness to add to the story.  Last night, in sheer
desparation, I sat putting loads of urls into netscape to see if anything
different happened.  Repeated 'Network connection reset by peer' messages,
and no joy, until I tried 'www.uk.debian.org'.  Then, instead of the usual
error, it just sat waiting for a response, which never came.  I tried
pinging www.uk.debian.org, and got no response - seems it was temporarily
not responding.

OK, but what's really surprising is that after that it worked normally - I
could access all the urls I had tried and failed before.  Unfortunately,
the fix only lasted until I closed and restarted my dialup connection.
The same trick didn't seem to work again.   

Martin Price

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