
A friend of mine (not on this list) has problems getting X version
4.1.0 (from testing) to start on his box with a Radeon 7500 card
inside. When trying xf86cfg in graphics mode, it doesn't recognize
the card correctly, and when choosing the drivers "ati" or "r128" in
xf86cfg text mode, X won't recognize the card either. I've attached
two different error logs from tries with different drivers or so.

Has anyone got a radeon (7500) running on such a system and does know
what the typical problems are or how they can be solved or can anyone
point me to one of the various threads which have been on this list
about radeon (I just don't know when these threads were here)? Or can
anyone tell me if the xserver_2.log is indeed indicating a bug in

Thanks very much in advance,

Stephan Hachinger

Attachment: xserver_2.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: XFree86.0.log
Description: Binary data

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