"Kurc, Marcin A." wrote:
> how do you remove it?
> dpkg --purge package-name?

Yes, I do dpkt -P cracklib-runtime on both machines, then I do dpkg -P
cracklib2 on both machines, and then I reinstall with apt-get install
cracklib2 and apt-get install cracklib-runtime.

On the purge, the machine that works requires I remove the *_dict.*
files by hand, otherwise they won't go away.  I've done this each time
to make sure I'm not experiencing a ghost.  I've also checked file
attributes and protections, and even compared the messaging on the
installs.  I've not found the significant difference that correlates
with the one machine getting no *_dict.* files, other than the install
not taking as long for cracklib-runtime.

Perhaps a cogent question next is, have I been cracked?  

The uname -a outputs are basically the same (except for hostname) too:

Linux myhost 2.2.19 #1 Tu Nov 1 19:52:06 EST 2001 i686 unknown

Physically I'm at:  5101 N. 45th St., Tacoma, WA, 98407-3717, U.S.A.

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