On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 10:45:56AM +0200, Danie Roux wrote:
> This is what I've done:
> I've enabled ssh1 support by "dpkg-reconfigure ssh"
> On my Debian machine I generated a ssh1 key without a passphrase.
> I then copied the identity.pub to the RedHat machine and renamed it to
>     ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Creating an SSH key with a blank passphrase is *absolutely* the wrong
way to go about this.  Yes, it will work, but if anybody ever manages to
get their hands on the private key, they've got access to your account
on the remote machine.

Passphrase protected keys can still be used for passwordless
authentication.  Please read the docs on ssh-agent and ssh-add.  Debian
runs ssh-agent for you by default at the beginning of your X session, so
using it is ver easy.

IBM DeveloperWorks has a couple of good tutorials on the use of
ssh-agent and key-based authentication.  See

The second article focuses entirely on using ssh-agent for passwordless


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