On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 12:48:05PM -0500, Bob Thibodeau wrote:
> I'm just coming into the thread, but if you had your initrd=
> in the main section of lilo.conf, try putting it
> in the image section of your Sid kernel. That way,
> no other kernel will try to use it.
Where should I put the init image?  On hda or hdc?  (hdc has sid, hda
has redhat, and my sidkernel is in hda)

Thanks in advance,
Rudy Gevaert - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - http://www.webworm.org
             - keyserverID=24DC49C6 - http://www.zeus.rug.ac.be   
Private mail with incorrect quoting behavior will remain unanswered

University politics are vicious precisely 
because the stakes are so small.     - Henry Kissinger (1923-)

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