Ian Balchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 09:28:48PM +0200, inksi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Now I have really stuffed up my news system. :(
>> Iniatially my potatoe box had the dialup utilities selected by
>> tasksel all installed.  But there seemed to be no news reader.
>> 1.   I then looked to installing a suitable offline news reader.
>> 2.   I thought that slrn would do the job
>> 3.   I ignored advice to use leafnode and installed slrnpull because
>>      the documentation claimed it was simpler for small installation
>> 4.   Things were not looking good from many aspects so..
>> 5.   When I noticed that fetchmail was running and that this was part
>>      of the leafnode setup i used dselect and removed them.
>> 6.   When things still did not function correctly I removed slrn and
>>      slrnpull and reinstalled them (years of M$ conditioning asserting
>>      itself there)
>> 7.   Now it still does not function correctly and in addition we have
>>      other problems - to whit
> and then I removed slrnpull and put leafnode back.......... 

So you have slrn and leafnode now, yes?

| Leafnode
You had permission problems wth slrnpull.  Leafnode puts articles and
other info into /var/spool/news. The permissions on that directory and
subdirectories should be _news.news_
# chown -R news /var/spool/news
# chgrp -R news /var/spool/news

Now check out your /etc/news/leafnode/config file, adjust the two
mandatory lines at the beginning. All the options are self-explanatory, I

As root do /usr/sbin/fetchnews -vv   That will bring down the list of
current newsgroups from your server (a 2Mb download, probably)


Now run slrn!



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