* David Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020220 13:32]:
>    how would i set up exim to recieve email for the domain totallywasted.net
> and put it all in [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox ? so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] will
> catch all the email for the totallywasted.net domain

This is commonly known as a virtual domain setup. There is a short
section on this in the exim specification (available online at
www.exim.org), but IIRC it speaks to a more complicated setup (using a
file lookup for many domains). Here's an (UNTESTED!) simplified way:

# add totallywasted.net to your local_domains line (it's a
# colon-separated list)

# stick this in your directors section

  driver = smartuser
  domain = totallywasted.net
  new_address = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think that should do it. Or, more precisely, here's what I think that
should do: all mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be delivered
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . If you want a particular user to be able to
configure which local parts it should accept or something, then you're
probably better off reading and following the full directions at the
exim site. (You might want to look it over in any case.)

good times,

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