Edit /etc/fstab so that you have a line like this:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>
/dev/hda1       /nicetry                ntfs    ro,user

Note the mount point. Make sure this dir exists or use another mount point if 
you prefer. Then

# mount /nicetry

On Thursday 21 Feb 2002 2:08 pm, Patrick Kirk wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now that I've got most things working I'd like to be able to access
> files on the ntfs partition.  I can mount it as root using mount -t ntfs
> /dev/hda1 but as a user I have no access to it.
> I don't want to mess up permissions on the ntfs system so chmod -R 777
> /mnt doesn't appeal.  But this is being cautious rather than based on
> any real knowledge.
> Is there a sensible command that would allow me to have read access as a
> user?

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