hi ya "o polite" raid0(striping) or raid5 is faster on reads... and generally slower on writes... 2x or 5x more disks to write into... more additional parity calculations
it'd help if you can specify your budget and/or disk capacity requirements or "purpose of the raid" system... raid is good for lots of huge/gigantic 4GB-40GB files where you need lots of disks space... For scsi vs ide stuff... http://www.Linux-1U.net/Disks/ For which hardware raid cards are "really hw raid5"... ------------------------------------------------------ http://www.linux-ide.org/chipsets.html For a collection of of various software raid howto ... http://www.1U-Raid5.net/HowTo/SW-Raid-HOWTO.txt --------- your comparson should be software ide vs software scsi... think scsi disks will generally win if your comparason is ide hw raid vs scsi hw raid... think scsi disks will generally win you could compare software ide vs software scsi.. but why ??? ide vs scsi is sorta scsi will inw -- to measure all the performance differences... - use bonnie, tiobench, ms winbench etc.. scsi is lot more expensive ??? $400 160GB IDE - 5400 rpm $3,000 180GB scsi3 -10,000 rpm $ 110 40GB ide - 7200 rpm $ 400 36GB scsi-3 - 10,000 rpm you'd need/want at least 4 disks 6 disks is prefered ( by me ) - 1 for system... ( amnot worried about system that is already on cdrom ) - 5 disks for data... and you'd need to backup your raid data... if you lose one disk.. you can recover all yur data... - if you lose 2 disks of 5... you'd probably lose all 5x200GB ofdata for software raid.. you'd probably want to get lots o memory... for some cheap hardware raid... is just as fast to go with software raid $ 40 Promise/maxtor IDE controllers $ 200 - $500 hardware IDE controllers $ 440 - $1000 hardware scsi controllers ... have fun raiding alvin http://www.1U-raid5.net .... 8x 160GB ide diss -->> 1.28TB raw 1U-Raid5 On 21 Feb 2002, O Polite wrote: > I'll be building a new development machine soon. It's been a while since > the last time, and it's seems to be a lot harder today than the last > time I did it a few years ago. There are so many CPU slots and memory > types to choose from. > > First I think that I should get faster disk I/O than I have today. So > for the first time ever I'm considering some RAID solution. > > In your experience what will get the best price / speed performance > ratio? > > Software IDE/RAID > Software SCSI/RAID > IDE RAID controller card > SCSI RAID controller card > > Or maybe just having diffrent partitions on diffrent drives? >