On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 02:01:02AM -0600, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there any package in linux that will identify my cdrom for me
> (manufacturer, etc)? I have to install it in DOS for something and I've
> got to track down the driver for it but only know that it is an atapi
> cdrom.

(I assume that you mean the cdrom *drive*, not the individual cds...)

What you want may actually already be available in the /proc file
system. Have a hunt around under /proc/ide/. Under kernel 2.2.20 files
like /proc/ide*/hd*/model files may give you what you want, and is
probably similar under other kernel versions.

Alternatively, you can install the hdparm package and try
    hdparm -i /dev/hdc

> I realize the obvious thing would be to open up my computer and look at
> the cdrom, but i'm blind and am trying to avoid having to get somebody
> over here to look at it.

Karl E. Jørgensen
==== Today's fortune:
Besides, I think Slackware sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't you?
        -- Patrick Volkerding

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