>>>>> "Dimitri" == Dimitri Maziuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Dimitri> * MH ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly: ...
    >> What's about filing a bug against bitchx instead of passively
    >> complaining here...

    Dimitri> I'm complaining rather actively (check the archives). My
    Dimitri> gripe is not with bitchx per se (I've only logged on to
    Dimitri> irc once or twice last year, I just did a dpkg --purge
    Dimitri> bitchx), it is with the direction Debian is going,
    Dimitri> spec. with FUBAR'ing things that weren't broken in the
    Dimitri> name of luser-friendliness (dexconf, alsaconf, pam'ifying
    Dimitri> /sbin/halt).

Not insisting too much here: only complaining (bitchxing ;-) in debian-user is 
not that
constructive, isn't it? 

    Dimitri> I can live with it, if $PACKAGE also installs a small
    Dimitri> $LIBRARY in case it's going to be used with
    Dimitri> $OTHER_PACKAGE. In fact, I can't think of a better
    Dimitri> solution here. The problem is that once you've let this
    Dimitri> genie out, less cluefull maintainers will sooner or later
    Dimitri> make their packages depend on e.g. the whole fscking X
    Dimitri> subsystem, "in case someone wants to run my $foo in
    Dimitri> xterm".

Depending bitchx on xutils isn't very evident (but check the changelog
as Colin stated), xutils depending on X(...) is a matter of course.

All this assuming that a package dependency system is desirable -- and
here we have some strong consensus among the users of debian. I don't
want to check the damn dependencies of every piece of software I'm using. 

    Dimitri> As far as I can tell the bug is between maintainer's
    Dimitri> chair and keyboard. I don't see how filing a bug against
    Dimitri> $PACKAGE will fix that, I fully expect that bug to be
    Dimitri> marked "wontfix". Ridiculing the guy in public, OTOH,
    Dimitri> might work.

If user (functional definition, also DD's are users outside of their
area) don't file bugs, don't give feedback, so what's the use of a OS
manufactured by a "community"?   

Dima (always the optimist) 

You should be more,

and here is really no interest in ridiculing anyone and less someone
who would formulate constructively his criticism and suggestions ...



(Dr.) Michael Hummel
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