#include <hallo.h>
Jason Majors wrote on Fri Feb 15, 2002 um 09:49:17AM:

> Do not simply tar/copy/etc. a running /var partition and expect it to start
> properly at the next boot. I forget the specifics, but booting into single
> user allowed me to move it without these problems, so if you do tarballs, go
> single user first.

Be precise. After copying the data, I would boot the Debian installation
disk, go to second console, mount the new root on /mnt, "chroot /mnt".
Then edit fstab (insert new device names), edit lilo.conf (insert new
partitions), run lilo once. Then "exit", "umount /mnt" and "reboot".

<Angel`Eye> installations anleitung für intelx86 richtig ?
<Salz> Angel`Eye: Kommt auf deinen Rechner an. Wenn du die Antwort nicht weiß,
       ist sie ja.                                                            
                                        -- #debian.de

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